I promised you a continuation of the energies of August. Here they are, as amazing as the first part! Or maybe even more so!
If you want to (re)read the first part go to August part 1.
5. Family
The dolphins are coming through here. Passion is who you are, they say. Look at you. You are so beautiful. Let us help you to be your passion. We would like that so much. We want to help you dare to do your own things, no matter who or what has taught you during your lifetimes to no longer live your passion.
We will help you to be safe, we will swim around you to make your environment safe, the people around you loving and admiring. Maybe you were not raised that way, but we will help you.
Because now we can.
Now is the time to be free, to follow your passion, now that you are safe. The veils have lifted, and you can swim through them with us, so that you can be the first humans to live in the new world. The fifth dimension. Aquarius.
Swim with us through the waters of the ocean. Be free. Be your passion.
If you don’t feel safe enough, then do it slowly. We can help you even more if you do it slowly. That way we can help you every step of the way. So do it slowly. That is perfectly okay.
We will help you every inch of the way.
Take a deep breath, and slow down. Sit and let yourself be led.
6. Mate
Your very own soul path
So much has happened. You have worked so hard and you have come such a long way. You have done it all by yourself, have often felt isolated and obstructed. You can still feel the pain of it in your heart.
Feel that pain now. Go into it all the way, to your deepest level of pain. You have been criticized, been called stupid and crazy - and more besides.
Breathe into this pain and then, for once and for all, on an exhalation, let it go. And let it go again, until all the pain is released.
You are living your soul path, so you have been living old pain, old patterns, old beliefs, old worries etc.
Now is the time to let go of them all.
So breathe into it, and on an exhalation, let it all go.
Then your path can take a new turning. The old ways are behind you now, so let the new ways begin.
The old was blocked from the light, but now you may feel it, taste it, hear it, live it.
Now the light is there for you.
Your soul path is becoming light. You may walk in this light. It has been your choice to make this transformation, for yourself, for your family and for the earth.
Again, you don’t need to do anything, you will know it. It is happening.
So once again, breathe in the old, and on an exhalation let it all go. And go to the next card, on the site of You.
7. Fulfilment
So again, sit back and relax. Go deep into your heart, be with yourself and yourself only, and feel the love that is there. Concentrate on this love. Do you feel the part of you that is love? The part where you are an angel?
Let your angel out! Let her/him be seen, in all its beauty.
Then look at her/him yourself. Place her in front of you as if she were your mirror. Look her in the eye. See her smile, her laugh. Look at her! Isn’t she beautiful?
Concentrate on your smile, until it fills you up. Your heart, your eyes, your whole body. You.
Let your own heart’s love fill you up, until there is nothing left of your old self.
Be this love, and show yourself in this love. It is safe now. The light is there for you.
Maybe you have felt empty lately, or always, but that emptiness is now going to be filled with your own love, which you didn’t know existed, at least not as amazingly as this.
You are your own fulfilment. It is because you have been working so hard, that you are one of the first people on earth who can feel this. Receive it with all your....heart.
Set the angels within your heart free. Let them live, let them fill you up. It is you.
Go to the next card on the site of The Gift.
8. The Gift.
Inner Power.
Have you been very tired lately? More than usual? It is because you were adjusting your body to the new energies. You have needed this time of tiredness because your body needed to get adjusted to the new energies. So that you could be able to do the things that are going to come your way now. You have asked for things to happen. Well, now they are going to happen, so: on your marks, ready, get set, go!
The times they are a-changing!
Of course you will feel energetic again when these new things offer themselves to you, and of course you will feel your own inner power in a way you haven’t been able to feel for a long, long time.
The tiredness you have been ‘enjoying’ has given you the time to let your body adjust to the new energies. It was really necessary. Believe us!
Be open and receive. Trust that what is coming is all that you have been asking for and more.
Trust. And feel your own inner power.
Now is your time.