
Stories of Light and Love

Money issues

So many of us are having money issues. Some are left without any money at all; others live in fear of that happening. There seems to be nothing we can do to change it either. And God knows I have tried!

So Angels & Co, what is this about and can you help us to change it? The fear, the lack and the suffering?

1. Jesus and Mary Magdalene; unconditional love (in the place of Now)

You think it is your personal problem, but it is not. It is a problem of Earth, of the people living on Earth at this time of changing. We change, you change, the earth is changing and it can’t keep up. Money can’t keep up with the changes.
The changes on Earth bring unconditional love. You are in the process of bringing unconditional love on Earth, whereas money is still living in the old energies of greed and possessions, of power and control, of the survival of the fittest. The person who is best able to make money gets the most of it, the person who has no idea or/and is in the process of changing, seems to slip away in this process and is unable to make money, or even receive it.
It seems very unjust, but that of course is the perspective of the human living on Earth.

From here, where we are, things look very different.
From here love is enveloping the Earth, is enveloping you, who are now living in fear and/or lack. But the first flows of love are coming towards you, who are working on transformation, yours and Earth’s. From here the view is so different and we wish we could show it to you, so your fears could dissolve instantly. Because if you could see it from here you would see so many beautiful things in your future that fear seems to be almost  - or altogether - ridiculous.
Let’s see if we can give you this view of ours, from our perspective, so your fear will literally dissolve with the flow of this reading, this healing.

So watch and feel. And know that we love you and we are sending you our unconditional love right now, while you are reading this.

( I, Winne, feel a turning around of my energy, as if right becomes left and left becomes right. What about you?)

2. Your essence (in the place of Fear)

So what is this fear? When we look at you, we can see doubt and insecurity about who you are. We see doubt about these changes on Earth, about which we are telling you again and again that they are happening, that yes, they are really happening.
You ask yourselves if it is safe to believe it, to let go of your grip on life, to be free and happy. To trust.

In your lives on Earth you have become used to losing what you have. You can possess something or even someone for a short time, only in order to lose it/him/her again. That has been your experience for so long and you have adjusted to that. It is as if you don’t want to posses too much anymore, because it only makes it possible to lose it again. Better not to have than to lose it all. 
For some of you small amounts are okay, for others even small amounts lead to loss. So they are at the point of zero.
The fear of losing makes you have nothing. We want to point that out to you very clearly, because that is so true. The fear of losing makes you posses nothing. If you posses nothing, you can’t lose.
You are so accustomed to losing everything you have, that life seemed to be a lot easier if you posses nothing.
This might not be obvious to you. It might be a well-hidden pattern, because you have learned that when in fear, act normal. Put the fear away, store it in some deep, dark, hidden place so it won’t come out, and you can still pretend that there is no fear.
But for so many of you this is the fear that is coming to the surface of your being now, in this time of transformation, because this fear also needs to be transformed. And for a lot of you this will be the fear that has been most hidden, because it is about your very existence. You can’t live with this fear, so you hid it. But it is your deepest fear and now it is living a life of its own.

Do you recognize it?
Even if you don’t, read on, because if you have money troubles, it can help you to bring it to the surface, no matter how scared you are. And know that we are here to help you through this, right here, right now.

3. Mary: your inner power (in the place of Letting go)

Entangled in this fear of losing what you have is the fear of being you in all your power. Recognize that?
You cannot exist when you are afraid to be you. If you are afraid to be seen, you cannot receive what you are worth. You are in self denial. You are so much better than you think you are.
We want so much to have you feel that. Know that you are so much more than you think you are. So much more. We can’t stress that enough.
You are beautiful beings, each and every one of you, but you don’t know it.
It is as if the world is upside down, because you who are so beautiful are doubting your very right to exist, whereas the people who live in the old energies of power and possession have the self worth and so they have the money.
Changing for humans means insecurity, because there is no grip. Changing means that you lose your grip on things, that you don’t know how to live, that the rules are changing, and you don’t know the new rules.
So change brings insecurity, and the ones who are changing the most at this time are the ones who bring the light to the Earth
So you are the ones who are suffering the most now, now that the changes are so palpable.

Let us help you. That is all we ask, to open up to us, so that we can help you. For you have lost your inner power, your inner security, your good judgment about yourself, and from there it is impossible to live in abundance. 

4. Transformation (in the place of Friendship)

Now feel all your doubts and insecurities come to the surface. Look into your heart and look at the molestation there. All the secure ground you had there is churned, and there is no secure place to stand on. The same is going on in your first chakra and your grounding. You have no idea about the changes that are happening on earth. They are so much bigger than any human can grasp.
Earth itself seems to be upside down.
So yes, you are scared. It could not be any other way, for no change is possible for a human being without fear, as you humans are afraid to be without a grip on things. Transformation brings fear especially when you weren’t that sure of yourself in the first place.
And when you are not that secure about yourself, you want to change, you want your world to change, because it doesn’t feel good the way it is, so you are looking for changes, so you are the ones who are bringing these enormous changes about, fear or no fear.
You have to, there is no other way, for if you don’t you will remain living in fear, and that is the last thing you want. That is exactly the thing you want to change: the living in fear.
Life on earth has meant living in fear, knowing fear, understanding fear, knowing fear in the deepest meaning of the word, at least for most of you, and that is exactly why you are the ones who are helping to change that.
But again, change is scary, especially when you are not that secure in the first place. But without this fear you wouldn’t have felt the need to change.
Ironic, but true.
We, on the other side of the veils, need you to help us through these changes, for we want a world without fear too. We want life on earth to be in abundance, in happiness and especially in love and light.
Without your wanting to change the earth we can do nothing.
So we want to help you through this fear.
We want you to open up to us, so that we can help you.

Fear is the last and most important energy on earth that needs to be transformed.

5. Healing/Raphael (in the place of family)

We are family. We are your real family and/so we want to help you. By helping you we help ourselves create an earth that is free of fear. It is what we all want, isn’t it?
So once again, sit back and receive our help. Reach out for us, and let us pull you out of this situation you are in, where there is so much fear. Let us pull you up, into the higher dimensions once again. And if necessary again and again, until you are free. It does take some time, but these are huge changes, so of course it takes time, but at the same time, don’t despair, because it is all going to be all right, it is all going to be great.
So now look with us from our perspective, high above earth, and look down at your future with us.
The earth has a glow around it. It is happy and smiling. From where you are, high up, you can tune into your future self, and see who you are. You hardly recognize yourself because you are looking so different. You are smiling, as is Earth
Then you see yourself at this other level, the level where you are now, still in darkness behind the veils, unable to see the light.
You can see your struggle; you can see your inability to look into your future. You are so scared.
From your higher perspective looking at your unhappy self you can now send rays of light towards her/him. You can make contact.
See how see/he is looking up? See how she/he is feeling these rays of light from her/his future?
Your future self sends you security, by showing you your future self living in the higher dimensions on earth.

Not long now!

6.Passion (in the place of Mate)

As you send these rays of light towards yourself, can you feel the love for your self? From these higher dimensions you look at yourself, suffering, and you feel so much love for this person that is you. Feel it?
It is this love that you can now receive, the future love of you for you. Self love, lost to you through the ages, and found now, in this time of changes.
That is what this is all about. You finding you. Your love for you. Feel how it was lost?
Feel how lonely that was? Feel how you truly do not want to be living like that anymore? Understand why you are going through all this hardship in your life in order to be able to change exactly that?
Feel how it is your passion to change the energies on earth? Feel how, in order to be able to do that, iyou have to change yourself, your own energies, your past and your past lives on earth?
You are the beginning of these changes, because you are living your own transformation.
It is all about you. You are your passion. You are as important to you as you are important to us. We all want the same thing, we all want to bring Earth into the light.
The end of duality. The end of fear. The end of living it alone or in loneliness. Or both.

Together we can make this happen.

7. Wisdom (in the place of You)

Things are changing. From not knowing how to live your life, you will know how to live. You can feel the changes in your energy right now. It is as if you are getting more centered. More within yourself. More you.
From there you are connected with your own wisdom, you higher self, your soul. You will know how to live, and it will probably not be about money, but hey, you are forgiven. Money has become so important on earth to survive. Without money there is nothing but the gutter, and nobody wants to live there.
But as the energies are changing, you will be able to think of other things, of things that are important for you in the new world. So start making up your new world. Focus on it, make it your goal. For now you can. You probably couldn’t before, because the time on Earth wasn’t ripe yet, but know you can now start sculpturing your own new world on Earth.
That also makes the necessary changes in your energy, and it makes you more centered within yourself. It is as if you are going to be standing straight, without needing support.
And you will know that it is true, and that is the most important change of all. You will know that your beautiful future is true.
Let go of your grip in the old way, and take our hands to lead you into your future in light on Earth.
Your fears are going to feel unimportant and so they will disappear. Until there it not one fear left.

For those of you who are in need of money right now, it will not be a problem anymore, because money will be there for you.

8. Artemis: your inner goddess (in the place of The gift)

Artemis is clearing the way for us, for you. She is clearing the doubts and fears that are still on top of your head, between you and your soul. Old rules and patterns again, that have served you so well for so long.
Artemis helps you to see that they don’t work anymore, because you are changing, because the energy around you is changing, because the rules are different now.
At the same time she is using her/your focus to show you the new ways of living and giving you new opportunities, and a new focus in life.
She is helping you to focus within yourself, so you can find your own inner goddess, that light within your heart that is really you, that has always been you but that has been lost because of all the hardship you have lived on an earth that was isolated from the light.
Artemis is going to help you to find your light back, so that you will know what to do in that beautiful future of yours!
That light that is everything for you. That possesses all your powers, your passion and your love. Your own love, for you.

 We love you all!

The Angels & Co.

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Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖