
Stories of Light and Love

Shine your Light

This time I had to wait until it was the right time to write this blog. I would have liked to write it days ago, in order to be able to get through these last pieces, that are so hard to surmount. Which of course explains why I needed all that time before being able to write this blog.
So, once again, I ask the Angels & Co what is happening and what is necessary now, on this very special day when summer has begun, where we in The Netherlands celebrate our liberation of the oppressors of WW1, where we celebrate Jesus being taken up into the highest dimensions
- home - and where the date consists of ‘5’s, meaning freedom.

So sit back, relax and let the flow take you with it. It’s the best way to receive the healing energies flowing through this blog.

1.Gaya: Home - in the place of Now

Yes, that is what this is all about. The connection between Earth and Source, between Gaya and Jesus, between us and the love-light that is here for us now.
So much light, so much love, flowing around us. This special day, this special energy of love-light, so much stronger than even yesterday. 
So that is why, says Jesus, you had to wait until today, because today the energy is just right to be able to feel the changes, to grab the new energies available for you now. 
So many vibes are flowing between Earth and Source, so many colours, as if rainbows are shining everywhere you look.
It warms my heart, says Gaya, to see this and to know how much we have achieved here on earth. I feel so much love for all of you who have been helping, trusting, doing the work that was needed for this to be possible.
So Yes, some things, big, big things, still needed to be gone through in these last couple of days, of weeks, but now you know what it was for. For freeing the earth of all that is dark, for all that is negative, freeing you from all that has been obstructing you in the things you wanted to do, to be.

Now it is the time to make Earth your home, home meaning security, freedom, creativity, celebration, etc. So I invite you to my party, celebrating our freedom at last. My home and your home, free.

2. Artemis: Inner Goddess - in the place of Fear

That seems to be the biggest achievement of it all, that you will be without fear. From where I am looking down on you, on Earth, I can see you holding on to fear. You are so used to living in fear that you don’t know anymore how to survive without it. It is as if letting go of fear makes you open to all kinds of hardship, instead of feeling free and happy. Letting go of fear makes you open, makes you lose all the layers that you have been building around you in order to be as safe as possible in a life where danger is all around you, in all kinds of different forms. 
So you have been building these layers, these walls, to protect yourself from the outside world, so the world couldn’t enter into you.
Now we are asking you to let go of those walls that have been keeping you as safe as possible, and telling you that yes, now it is safe to do so.
But how can you believe that? Who is telling you that it is safe, and is it safe in the first place to believe that it is safe?
For to be able to see what is beyond those walls you have to let them go, at least for a part, and is that safe?
It seems impossible, doesn’t it?
So that is your biggest fear now, isn’t it? To let go of those layers that have kept you as safe as possible until now and to see that is isn’t safe at all.
Which means that you - we - are stuck, doesn’t it?

So let’s go from there, and see how we can get out if this pattern that has been helping us so much for so long.

3. Tara: The universe - in the place of Letting go

Tara knows. Tara can see it all. She can tell you what she sees, and then the choice is yours. That is what she is telling us.
You need to trust at least me, says Tara, and to trust that what I am telling you is true. You have to start somewhere, and if you stay inside of your closed-off world, things will never change. I understand, says Tara, that for some of you it is very hard to trust, to let go of those thicker than thick walls, but trust me, it doesn’t serve you at all to stay there, now that the world around you has changed so very much.
So try to trust me when I say that the world outside of your walls is light. There is only light, as in an absence of darkness, of negativity. All negativity has gone. You have worked through it. You have done your job so well. 
You have attracted so much light that now your whole world is of light.
From where I am, I can see it and if you want me to, I will help you by making it possible for you to look through those walls, without breaking them down all at once. Then you will be able to see that what I am telling you is true.
And if you want to close the walls again, that is okay. But I assure you that you won’t, because when you see how your world is looking now, you will never want to go back. 
Your world has changed completely, and it is as if you haven’t realized it until now.

So let me help you!

4. Guinevere: Self love - in the place of Friends

It is a world of give and take. The light is there, and as you see it you are receiving it. That is how it works. Being in the light makes you light, and it fills your heart with light. 
Your world is safe, so you can let go of your walls, for there is nothing there anymore to protect yourself from.
But it is unbelievable, isn’t it, from where you are coming from? To realize that your world is safe.
Here it is easy to love, and to love yourself. That, too, will be new and unexpected, I can tell you, but so great to experience. 
To love yourself is one of the biggest accomplishments you have made, even bigger than loving the people around you.

They are all here, self love, love, light, freedom to be who you really are and who you really want to be.

5. Transcendence - in the place of Family

So now you can let go of the walls. Now you are light enough to take that risk! Now you have seen what is around you.
So if you still need our help, we will lift you out of your past, which has been hard on you, and put you on this higher level, where everything is different. Negative experiences will fall away, all negative feelings that came with them will fall away. No more need for those, as it is all in the past now. No more fear, no more anger, no more of those. You can start afresh, and learn how it is to live in light. 
In light there is no holding back, you can only go with the flow. But when the flow is light, then it is great to go with it. You have probably experienced a life in which it was always hard or even impossible to achieve what you wanted or needed, always feeling those restricting walls around you that you needed because your world wasn’t safe.

Now everything is changing, as your environment changes as we speak.

6. Liberation - in the place of Mate

Yes, you can expect the changes to go everywhere, friendships, family, mates. Your walls are breaking down, are crumbling as we speak. Nothing of your old world will remain unless it was great already.
Now, too, you can start to orchestrate your own life, because all the hard work of transforming your past and Earth has been done. Now you can start from another point of view, where you are looking into a world of light. 
Feel how the walls are crumbling, and see the world beyond. See how light it is.
Relationships won’t hold you back anymore, but they will let you experience how it is to flow together, how it is to be in the flow of love-light together. No need for compromises, no need to hold back in order to please the other. 

Freedom in relationships, feeling free in your relationships, being able to be you and to do the things you want. Alone and/or together.

7. Freya: Feminine power - in the place of You

Yes, there is that too. When you can feel safe, it is so easy to be in your own power. This feminine power that has been almost impossible to live, because the male power - as it has manifested itself - was always dominant. Male power, meaning that one person had the power over the other. Male power being strong and overpowering, leaving no space for the other person to be. The kind of male power that we have experienced on Earth for so long.
- Of course that has only been the definition we have known, and male power in itself isn’t wrong. But still -
The powers are changing. Feminine power is getting stronger, male power is going to be very different from the overpowering kind we have known. 
All those layers of one person having power over another, are dissolving. Until they are gone. 
Then everyone is free to be themselves, man or woman. Male and female in harmony within everyone, as we all possess male and female power within ourselves as it is. 

A new definition of male and female is what we get. Equality, to name one.

8. Sweetness - in the place of The Gift

Welcome to my world, says Sweetness. I love it to have you all here, with me, in kindness, in harmony, in light, in love.
I look over the Earth and for the first time in a long time I can feel in harmony with it. Our energies connect, dissolve, are the same. I can move around Earth, free as a bird, enjoying all that is happening. I look into places where the light is strong, but I also look into those places that need more light, more work, to make it possible for the people living there to join in. It is okay, for the lighter we all get, the easier it will be to take those places, those people along. Until everyone can join us in our world of light.
So I thank you for joining me, as I have wanted you to join me so much. 
I am Love itself, and I invite you into my world. 
For you, the walls are broken and gone, as it is safe for you to be. Your world is light now. You can enjoy. You are free of all the layers that have been hiding the changes in the world around you, where now it is light.

So now it is time to sit back, relax, and experience that trust is possible. Allow your light to shine and, as so many others will do the same, all of Earth and everyone on it will be light in no time. 

Send me an email if you want to share:


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Nieuwe reacties

05.11 | 15:56

I feel at my place in 🏝, free and peacefull , i just try to send more love ...

23.09 | 18:38

Jaaaa, ik heb het gevoel onder een heerlijke warme douche te staan, ...

04.09 | 07:40

Zoveel licht, liefde, begeleiding, geruststelling, schoonheid en n...

07.08 | 19:54

🙏🙏🙏 beautiful positive and inspiring letter 💖