8-8-8 Lion's Gate

I feel such an urge to write this letter from the angels. The gate of the lion of 2017, the 8 - 8 - 8, it is such an important date for the energies. The last letter from the angels was about change, but now it feels like even more and even deeper changes are happening.

I am asking the angels what is important for us now, and how we can pass through this portal of light in the best way possible. How they can help us to let go of all our deepest feelings of fear, anger, shame, guilt etc, so we can transform them once and for all.

Again, the first card is:

1. Change - in the place of Now

Take a deep, deep breath. And then another. And another. And then go within. Look inside of yourself, where you feel restless.

Of course all these changes in the energy on Earth are difficult to pass through, because they ask of you to let go of all that is inside of you that is holding you back from shining your light on earth. And that is what this Lion's gate is all about. To make it through this passage, where you let go of all your fears and sorrows. Where you come out on the other side, where you can be you. In the true meaning of the word. 

You, in all your glory. Where there is nothing to hold you back, no one to hold you back, because you are cleared of all negative energies that have been a part of you for so long. 

Let every fear come up, embrace it and send it your love. If you feel anger, embrace that too, and send it all your love. Do the same with every negative feeling you feel, now and in the next couple of days. Concentrate on yourself, and let nothing interfere with your own transformation. Now is the time to do it, so do it now.

We will help you as we have never been able to help you before. We can help you more, because you are more open to our help. 

Feel how it is already getting more quiet within you? 

From there we go on:

2. Purity - in the place of Fear

Purity is what you need and want. When all negativity is gone from within you, nothing negative from without can enter your system. That is what you are craving for. That is why you are living at this moment in time, on Earth. 

I see all of you who have been working so hard to get here standing in a field, together but on your own, connecting with the lovelight that is pouring into you from the heavens, as they say.

You are being showered with this lovelight, all the way through, untill there is no part of you left in darkness. Is looks as if you are all being shaken and stirred and everything that is still dark, falls out of you and into Earth itself. 

Then you are free to let all the lovelight in, and it is streaming into you, entering all your cells and your DNA, taking all traces of darkness that are still left inside of you with it, streaming down into the earth. 

As the lovelight keeps flowing, it flows through you into the earth, transforming all darkness that is left in Earth itself, and taking the lovelight with it all the way into the heart of Earth. 

You are feeding the earth with love and light. It has to go through you to be able to enter Earth.

That is why you have been working so hard. To get as far as this. To free yourself of all negativity in order to be able to let all this lovelight flow through you, freely and abundantly, in order to enlighten Earth. 

It’s only scary because there is so much of it now and because in this lovelight you need to go with the changes. And change isn’t easy for a human being. You as humans need stability and something to hold onto, and during these changes of energy there is no such thing. The only hold lies within yourself, and lots of you, who have had difficult lives, carry a lot of fear inside of you. Or anger, or shame, or guilt……..

It isn’t easy for you to focus on yourself.

Still that is the way to go, now more then ever. 

3. Ray of crystal; clarity - in the place of Letting go

So let us help you!

Maybe you're not used to being helped. Maybe you are even afraid of being helped, as help more often then not has worked against you. 

But we are the angels, so we are love and light, and we offer you our help. Let our light shine through you, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. 

Feel all darkness stream away, on this river of lovelight.

Look into the lovelight, know that it is only pure light and pure love. 

At the same time pure lovelight traces everything within you that is still dark. It knows exactly were to go to find it, and it cuts it loose from where you have been hiding it, or cuts it loose from where you have been hanging onto it. There is no escape anymore. 

You have to feel it, because it is coming loose now, and so it flows around in your system. There is no holding back, no telling it to keep quiet, or to just go.

It is there and you have to take it in your arms, to cuddle it and then to let the lovelight embrace it. 

That’s how to let go of it.

Then let all the excess energy flow into Earth, so it can fill Earth with love and light. All the way down into the sun of the earth. Touching it, flowing through it, filling it up, coming up to the surface of the earth, for everybody to feel.

4. Ray of gold - in the place of Friendship

We can see that it is a lot for you to take in. A lot of people are not ready for this light, they are still to attached to all things material. They are attached to rules that give them the feeling of safety, although they are not. 

What we need you for is to show your light. That is why so many of you have been working with these energies, in the first place of course so that you yourself would be free of negativity, but then, as that is done, you are able to help others, because you went through so much cleansing yourself. 

It is that time now, where you are going to be ready to show your light, to show other people who are stil living in darkness, how you did it, and help them to do the same for themselves. 

You are going to be the apostels of this time, and maybe that sounds a bit weird to you. Still that is what you have come here to do. 

You can do it in a big way or in a small way, just for friends and family. That is your choice, although the agreements are already there. They have been placed before you were born.

It will lead to friendships of gold, because gold is the new energy, and in this energy you are going to meet new friends, who also are in gold. 

You are going to change the world, in a small way or in a big way, but change it you will. 

Connect with the energy. There is no other way to go about it anymore, and the more you do it actively, the more you will feel comfortable with it. 

You will show it, and the people around you will see it. You will have to acknowledge it. There is no other way anymore.

But the more you do it, the more comfortable it will feel, until you have made it your own. 

5. Rhiannon: Truth - in the place of Family

Families are changing too. You wil probably feel more connected with people outside of the family your were born into, because you were the one from your family - and most families have only one such a person - that is active in drawing the lovelight towards Earth. It is okay. Maybe you are afraid to let go, because family has been such a stronghold in the old energies as we know them. At least in how we have been taught to perceive it. . 

These changes will go slowly. Maybe they have been happening for a long time already, and you have build a whole new system of friends. If not, they will come, and when they do you will know. 

It is so incomprehensible for you, humans living on Earth, what is happening now. It feels as if everything is moving, without a place for you to stay put.  As if old floors are being taken away to new places. There is no overview for you, not in a single way. You try to get a hold, but is isn’t there.

It works differently in the new energies, and as soon as you realize that, you will feel more quiet and at ease. There is no hold, but when you are wrapped in lovelight, you don’t need a hold. You will feel safe and warm within the light of love. 

6. Kuan Yin; Kindness - in the place of Mate

That too is going to be so different. You are used to be with someone or to find someone to be with, for that someone to be your mate, to do things with, to go places with. You are used to search for and find love in another person, and you call that person your lover, your special friend, your wife or husband. 

But. When you feel wrapped in the lovelight of this time, it is enough being you. You don’t need this other person to fill you up with her or his - conditional - love, because the love is inside of you. 

That is where your center is going to be: your own heart. No searching outside of you anymore, but a deep feeling of love within you. Fulfilled.

Feel it within you now, and let us help you. 

For with this love inside of you all cravings stop. Because you already have it. You have inside of you that which you have been looking for al your life and all of your lifetimes on Earth: love. Unconditional love.

From there you can start feeling fulfilled and happy. On your own two feet, and within yourself.

That is what this new energy is all about. 

That will make you feel so strong. The power of the lion. Strong loving kindness.

As you don’t need the love of the person that is standing before you, or living beside you, you will feel free of that person. There is no need anymore to change that person or the things she/he does or chooses. You will be happy because everything you need is inside of you. You don’t need him/her anymore.

From there you will feel so much love. Love in general, and love for the people around you. Mate or not.

7. Ray of purple - in the place of You/Earth

It is up to you now to make this choice. To choose to connect with the lovelight of these times. You can go on in the old ways, in which you have been living so far. Or you can choose to go with the flows of lovelight now.

We assure you that, although right now it seems so much easier to stay put in your old ways, with your negatives and your positives, it will be much and much easier and so much more beautiful for you to let us help you now, and to grab on to these new waves of light and love. For once you have incorporated them into your system, everything will be love. No matter what you do, who your are with, or where you go, everything will be love. Just because your own vantage point is love. The love is in your heart, the pure and unconditional love. In your heart.

And it is going to be possible for you and for everyone living on Earth right now, to live in that way. Where it couldn’t be before, from now on it will be.

The same goes for Earth itself. Of course that choice has been made a long time ago, but Earth too can go and see through the eyes of unconditional love. That is how it is, that is what we, you and us, have been fighting for for so very long. To enlighten Earth.

8. Ray of new rose gold; The Elohim - in the place of The gift

Once again: for you people living on earth it seems totally impossible to understand what is happening, as it is so much. Even we haven’t seen this happen before, not even from where we are. So for you it is even stranger. 

An Earth of love and light.

Maybe you have been imagining it, have been fighting for it, but living it is so very different. But we assure you that it is coming, and the harder you have fought for it, the more you have been living through to get there, the more you are going to enjoy it. To love it.

Incomprehensible as it seems, it is going to come to be.

So that is what we are giving you now, now that all seems to fall down around you and nothing seems to stay the same, safe or not. Now that everything is moving and you don’t have any clew or hold onto what is happening, now we give you the knowledge that all of this is happening. Because this is happening. Love and light around you and inside of you, in a world of love and light. Knowing that will help you.

We promised it and now it is going to happen. 

So know that the love is inside of you, and live from there. 

Lots of fun! 

The Angels & Co. 

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