9/11 World Day of Transformation

I feel very connected to this day, 9/11, as it is my birthday. I hope we will be able to make this the World Day of Transformation, as I long to transform the energies of this day. Everybody remembers the twin towers, and some of us know of the coup in Chile. I ask the angels to help us to send healing and love to all acts of violence en terror on Earth, and make this day a day of peace and love. 

I hope you will join me in this.

Let’s see what the angels say, shall we?:

1. Passion - in the place of Now

We beings of light, want to thank you all, light beings on Earth, for all the help you have been giving our goal for Earth, to make it a planet of light and love. We have said it before: we couldn’t have done it without you. We are sorry for all the hardships you have had to go through to reach our goal and at the same time we appreciate it so very much that you haven’t given up, even though it has been very hard work for a lot of you.
But know that we are doing it and although sometimes it seems as though we will never get there, we are. Don’t let a storm, an illness, or another disaster make you think otherwise, for it is all part of what needs to be done in order to make our goal happen. Sometimes the going has to get rough, for transformation to occur.
Once again we are sorry for all those of you we have to go through the hardships personally. Still we ask you to keep up the good work and especially to keep faith, for we are here for you even if you might think that we are not. Know that it is part of what needs to be done for the overall transformation. 

But the transformation is happening, and more so every day.

2. Kuan Yin: kindness - in the place of Fear

Don’t think we are not here for you. We are. The transformation you are asking for is happening, and don’t doubt it. For it is important for you and for us that you keep faith, that you keep your eyes on your goal of love on Earth, even more so in times of doubt. We cannot say this enough: We are here, we are connected with each and every one of you, and we won’t give up until all of Earth and every one on it will be part of the lovelight. 

I myself have been living on earth many times, helping this transformation take place, and it is my love for Earth that has made me do that again and again. It is your love for Earth that has made you decide to help her, no matter what. That is what has made you go through all the hardships, and that is also what has made it possible for you to survive them all and to come out at the other end. Not blaming God or Earth or someone, anyone, but stronger and more loving, filled with more light each and every time. 

So I ask you to join me now in forming a big circle of lovelight all around Earth, and sending your lovelight towards her, with everything that is in you, with all your power and all your kindness. Let’s make this happen now. Let’s make this day the day that it is finally happening, shall we?!

3. Gaya: Home - in the place of Letting go

I can feel all your love for me and it fills my heart. It is making my heart bigger and bigger, and through my heart it goes all around and through every pore of Earth. This energy you are all sending to me now is very strong, and it is felt by so many people. Also by the ones who haven’t felt it before.
Your love is filling me up, is filling Earth itself, and that is what is making this day to Transformation day. Your will, your power, your love, your intention is what is making it possible. 
It is time to make our home, our planet, a real home, with comfort, light and love. Together. No more hatred, no more acts of violence, and no more violent acts of nature even.
To make that happen, see Earth as a planet of peace and beauty. When we all do that we will make it happen. Just as meditation changes energies, our angel letter can do that to, because our intention is the same. Feel your love for Earth, and let it touch every cell of Earth. 

Thank you for joining in!

5. Liberation - in the place of Earth itself

It is happening as we speak. Maybe you can’t see or feel it jet, but then again the human energy is slow in changing. It is part of the energies on Earth. But be assured that it is happening right now, and even though you as humans will be slower in picking it up, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening. 
Maybe you need to know it through illness or disasters, but know that living through them make the transformation for you and Earth even stronger. And we are here for you. For those of you we are living the hardships right now. Those of you who are living the wars or the storms right now, know that we are here for you. We reach out for your hands, and we will grab them and get you out. Sometimes the last parts are the hardest, and those of you who have been going through them already, know about that. 
But hardships make transformation happen, so that is what is happening now in some parts of Earth. 
So let’s form this circle around Earth again, making it even stronger, and send our lovelight to all those places that need it now, and to all the people who need it now. At the same time that is what is making us strong, flowing our light to others. 
Feel that strength and let it become even stronger. 

Together we will liberate Earth from all negativity. Trust us.

6. Surrender (upside down) - in the place of The gift.

Looking at Earth from our perspective, it looks like a painting of Jeroen Bosch, the famous Dutch painter. Everything is upside down and moving around. Nothing is being kept in it’s old and maybe comfortable place. A lot is being asked of all of you people, as you need to surrender during a time where you feel you need to hold on to something, anything, because everything is moving. But what is happening is that indeed everything is moving. Everything. All your old believes and all your old ways of handling things is different and going to be even more different. 
Surrendering is the only way to go through this, but at the same time we ask you, who are reading this, to take your place in the circle of lovelight around Earth and to be very present in that circle. It will help you to be able to surrender to the new flows of energy during the time when you are not part of the circle, living your earthly live.
Use the circle to fill you up with love, feel your own love for Earth and make it fill your heart. That is what is going to be your new vantage point and your new strength. From there you are going to live your new life and that is what is going to make your life so very easy and beautiful.
From your vantage point in our circle look at Earth and imagine her filled with lovelight. See this light flow through every cell of Earth and through every human being. 

Make it happen. Together we can. 

Together we are doing it. 

Thank you! 

Lots of love, The Angels & Co.
