The last day of 2017

There are so many angels around us now. Can you feel them? If not, just know that they are there, and that they are here for you. They are having a party already, and are so happy that we are doing this.
So, dear Angels&Co, are we ready, or is there something left that needs our attention? For  ourself, our family or for Earth?

1. Isis: Enlightenment - in the place of Now

Isis: Yes, thank you all for helping to make Earth a planet of light and love. Of course it is your own wish too, but still. There are so many people living on Earth without ever giving it a thought. So thank you!
I want to tell you something. During my lifetimes on Earth I have been living during a time in which the powers were switching from female to male. Men were having enough of being dominated by women. They wanted their own say in things that mattered. A lot of fighting occured, and many people, especially women, were killed or evicted. It was not a nice time to live in.
Now the energies are shifting again. Not to establish a new reign of one or the other. White or black, man or woman, one country or another. 
No, this time is about equality. An earth free of war, of hunger, of struggle. No one reigning over the other, but everyone living the love and light that is going to be so new on Earth. 

That is why I am here, to tell you that it is happening. I have lived an enormous shift on Earth, so I know that it is possible. You are going to live another enormous shift.

2. Rhianon: Truth - in the place of Fear

From my place of light I am looking towards Earth, and I can see it happen. Small changes, big changes, all over Earth. Shifts of energy everywhere.
Don’t be afraid. I know that you, as a human being living on Earth, are often afraid of changes, but these changes are so wonderful. Join me here, in my place of light, and look with me. See the different colors of the energies melting with each other, making new colors. Colors that never existed before. Softly flowing together. All together towards the same goal: of Earth becoming a planet of Love and Light.
It is so beautiful. These are the energies you can expect from now on. 
So now it is really time to let go of any fear of changes. Time of knowing the truth of what is happening on this planet you live on. 
Know this truth, be aware of it every minute of your day and night. That way all your fears will dissolve in these new energies of lovelight.

And if you are afraid that you can’t?:

3. Guinevere: Self love - in the place of Letting go

Filling yourself with this lovelight is the way to go. And of course we are helping you. We know how hard it has been for you to feel love for yourself, but don’t dispair, for we are here for you and we will help you. Just ask us. Ask us to help you to fill yourself with love. Unconditional love, the Christ Love. Just ask and ask again. We are here for you.
The days when Earth was separated from the light are over. More and more light is flowing towards you. The only thing for you to do is to notice it, and to connect with it. And if that is too hard for you, you ask us and we will help you. Know that, or if you don’t, ask us anyway. For we are here, and we so much want you to be this being of love that you are. To feel it within yourself, to live it, and to give the people around you the opportunity to become their own being of love too. Just because you show them the possibility, by showing it to them. 
Be open to our help, whether you can believe it or not. 
Again, let go of all your restrictions, your believes and convictions. Put them on a big heap and burn them. Or let them go up into the sky with the fireworks tonight. 

For that is exactly what those fireworks are for. 

4. Ray of crystal: clarity - in the place of The gift

Clarity is our gift  to you. A ray of clarity straight from the source flowing to you on Earth. It is the clarity of your own inner sight, so you will know that it’s true what we aretelling you here. That you are connected again with the lovelight of the source. Maybe you can feel it, maybe you see it or know it. It doesn’t matter, for it is becoming your new reality. 
Feel the light now, feel it above you, feel the open portal through which the light is flowing towards you. 
2018 will be such a different year for all of you. It will be a year of light and love. 
You’ll see!

So we wish you such a wonderful 2018, living the lovelight on Earth. We are with you. We’ll see you in the new year. And you will see us!

So much love, 

The Angels & Co

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