Hard times? For me it is as if the energies around me are sometimes light and loving and then they plunge down again into darkness. And I go with them. Of course, there are lots of things I know about how to lighten myself up again, and sometimes they
work, other times not. Then it can last a couple of days before I am in the light again.
So I ask the angels what is happening and how we can send healing to Earth, so we can help the process of enlightenment onwards, until it is there, for all
and everyone, including us.
What is happening on earth and what does she need ?
This is what they say:
Jesus: Yes! - in the place of Now
Yes, a lot is happening on earth right at this moment. Looking from my higher perspective, I see that it is good and only good. But from yours, living on Earth, it can feel very different at times. It depends
a bit on where you are. It is as if there are levels in the energies on Earth, where one person can be in darker circumstances and others in lighter ones. Lots of possibilities are there for you. It is not as if you have a choice, right now, to choose on which
level you want to be, as everyone has a soul contract that tells them what to do and where to be. First you need to finish this contract, and only then will the choice be yours.
But that is the beauty of it, for knowing that, even if you are living the
darker parts again - and again - it won’t be long now. Shortly, your task will be finished and then you can go wherever you like, and live in peace, in harmony and in the light of love.
At this moment it is as if old wars are being fought,
old energies which you thought were already gone, have come back again. Old stuff within yourself has been coming up again. It is as it is, for now. But again, knowing that it is what it is, you can be relaxed about it. Just do your thing, just cleanse yourself
when things feel bad, and you will feel better in no time.
Of course, I will help you if you ask me to.
2. Ray of Blue: Cleansing - in the place of Fear
I send you my Ray of Blue. It is a ray that cleanses all dark energies, no matter where they come from. You can feel it in your aura now, reading this. It is that time now, in which everything
that was still blocking your path of light is coming to the surface. Old fears, old pains, old angers etc. Feel them in your body and look into them. Let them be there, let them grow bigger, let them talk to you if they need to. Look them in the eye. Look
at them with openness and understanding. They are yours. They are all part of you, whether you want them or not. It is now necessary to take them to you, to take them into your loving arms, and to cuddle them.
It is a time of compassion, and compassion
is the energy that is flowing towards earth now. That is what was making it so unpredictable, because compassion is an energy that embraces all and everything. So many people have been hurt in their lives, and so much dark energy has been formed because of
When you live in - relative - darkness, compassion is an energy you might not know or only know a little. When compassion comes to you, you might feel touched to your core. It brings tears to your eyes. It sweeps you off your feet.
That is what is happening now.So don’t be afraid of all the turmoil around you and inside you, for it is all being cleared. It is all there to be cleared.
You are exactly where you were meant to be. Right here, right now.
3. Tara: Universe - in the place of Letting go.
All struggle will be over. First for you, and then for everybody around you, and then for Earth herself.
We will start with you, and we thank you for letting us use you as our channel
of light and love for earth.
You, taking your part in this whole, flowing the energies of compassion through you, healing yourself, being a channel of compassion, healing the people around you with your compassion, and that way healing earth.
For that is how it works.
You flowing this compassion through you, is something you have promised to do in this lifetime. Your soul’s promise, the thing you have agreed with your soul to do. When you start doing this more consciously, things
will get easier for you, because for you, living on earth, things get easier when you know what is happening and what you are to do. Living your soul’s purpose and what’s more, knowing it, makes things so much easier for you. That way you can just
relax, know it isn’t time yet for you to do big things, to change your life or anything. You can just relax, sit back and connect with the compassion that is already flowing around you. You just need to take some time, every day and each time when you
are feeling down and connect with compassion.
What is not to like!
And what’s more, if you do that, you will feel so much better, and we will be so grateful to you for doing it. For helping earth, but also for helping yourself. We need
you, so please, do it. You need to do it, so please do it.
4. Yemanaya (Goddess of the Sea): Golden opportunities - in the place of Friendship
I’m speaking for the dolphins here. There are so many dolphins living on earth who also have this soul-purpose to help the Earth towards a planet of lovelight.
Can you see them? Can you feel them? They are all making these dolphin sounds, and those sounds help earth to boil over with love for them. This love is coming from deep within earth itself. It seems to have been stuck there for a long time, unable to come
out and show itself. Unable to be felt.
Now, with all the dolphins awakening to their own soul-purpose, being in love on earth, the love from inside earth can let itself be seen. Now it is safe for it to be.So much is happening, that it is a miracle
that you are still there.
Once again earth is trembling on her hinges for all the changes that are going on.
As the dolphins are swimming in the sea it is easier for them, because the water is moving around them, and they don’t need firm
ground to stand on. It is easier for them to go with this enormous flow, and it even makes them happy. So many dolphins are now helping earth, helping us towards love and light and joy.
If you are feeling very wobbly, ask the dolphins to help you,
for they can, and they like it very much. It’s what they’re here for. Swim with them, if only in your mind, flow with them, let them take you with them on their trips. Let them take you on a roller coaster ride through the sea, through time, and
dump you on the other side, where all is lovelight already.
Let them. Let them. Let them!
5. Sexuality/freedom - in the place of Family
This is about letting go of all the rules and restraints you have learned as a child. We want you to be free, to dance and to sing and to make your moves. Be free.
It is what earth is asking
of you, it is what earth wants for herself. Freedom in every way.
It is where we are going, believe it or not.
All those restraints you were brought up with, that have formed you into the person you are now, are ready to go. Maybe you feel
a pull in your heart chakra or in your loins, for it is the pull of freedom. The dolphins are leading you there.
As you go along, doing your job of cleansing your own energies, and with that those of your families and friends, and earth’s,
you are traveling towards freedom.
If you want to, you can step out of those rules and regulations right now, or you can take some time to contemplate. It might be a lot, or maybe you already know what you want to leave behind and what you want
to take with you.
Choose, and take that step. It is safe now. It might feel as if you take a step into nothing, but no. You have laid the foundation for the new you all by yourself already. You know who you are, you know who you want to be. Don’t
Come with us, dolphins, and let go. Let the waters cleanse you - and be free.
Laugh, love, be happy and full of joy.
6. Your essence - in the place of Mate
Then, after your swim with the dolphins, come back into yourself. Feel who you are, know who you are, and don’t let anyone tell you anything else. You know who you are, and now, having peeled off all
those layers of fear, anger, etc. etc, you can see your own essence, maybe for the first time, or for the first time clearly.
Look into the core of you. Breathe into the core of you. Let your core come out, let your core be seen, if only to yourself
for now.
Be surprised at what you may find. Be happy with what you find. There is so much of you. So much love, so much light, so much joy, so much compassion, so much ………
It is for you to fill in the rest of what you are.
It is easy now to remember, isn’t it?
For now, be your own mate. Take a good look into your own essence. Be there for you. Love you, be with you. Take ‘you’ into your arms and stream all the compassion you have into you.
there for yourself as nobody has ever been there for you. Be compassionate for you. Forgive yourself when necessary. Let compassion be you!
Compassion is all that matters now, as it clears out all the remaining energies inside of you that still
need clearing.
Feel it?
7. Rhiannon: Truth - in the place of You
Yes! Make truth your truth. Get into contact with your own soul, your own higher self or sun. Take your attention up into your sun, about 50 centimetres above your head. Take a seat. Be open. Ask the questions
you want to ask, and let the answers come to you.
You will know, somehow.
Be with yourself, be with your inner self and be with your higher self. Make conversation. As long as you communicate it is great.
Let your sun come
down towards you and let it surround you. Be part of your sun, of your soul. Be part of your own light, your own love, your own truth. Be one with your soul.
It is you. It has been you all the time, but now you are so much more than you have been as a
human being.
Again, let your own lovelight, your own soul enter your heart chakra. It is you, and you know it.
Feel it, look at it, know it. Know that it is you.
Be your core, be who you are.
It is safe now.
you will know it.
It isn’t even necessary to show yourself to the world if that doesn’t feel safe yet but allow yourself to get to know you. The real you, the light you.
Get to know her or him, be together, enjoy each other. Love each other.
8. The new Rays of Lovelight - in the place of The Gift
What else do you want? The love rays are here, for you, on earth. Maybe at times it feels a bit too much, for yes, it is a lot for you to take in, as you have been living in separation
for so long. So don’t despair. Know what is going on and even if you get to feel in darkness again, know that it is only for a short while, and ask the dolphins to help you. Or any other light guide you are in contact with of course.
We are
of light. So many of you already are of light. Let the compassion be yours, live it and flow it into you. Let it warm your heart, and then you will be safe.
You are safe as soon as there are no more hooks inside you anymore to hook the darker energies
onto, so let the compassion do that. Clear these hooks, these old rules and regulations, made by your families, friends or by yourself. Set yourself free, and then go. Go wherever you feel the need to go, and be…..happy.
Your friends will
follow you if you want them to. Your family too, if you want them to.
Earth wil be there already, and the rest of earth will come as soon as she is ready.
It is Truth.
We love you! Thank you for listening and be yourself. That is what makes us and you the happiest.
Big Hug! and
Lots of love, The Angels & Co.
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11 june 2018