You who are love

High time to write a letter from the angels again. What crazy times we are in, aren't we? I saw a plane flying over with a banner behind it: the virus craziness and yes, so much craziness is going around, mostly to scare people for worse to come. 

Of course there are lots of people sending good vibes and love and compassion too, and I am soo glad they do. For we need positive energies to heal the bad ones, for Earth to become this planet of love and light. 
So let's ask the angels what they want to tell us, to give to us, and what we need to stay positive and to remain sending our love into the world. 

Coming with me?

The only way we get through this is by sending the opposite messages of love and compassion to all and everything and to Earth itself. 

1. Mary: you are so beautiful! - on Now

I am looking at you and I see love. I see your compassion for the world, for the people on it. For Earth. So many of you want to help but don't know how. So many of you are helping, and are afraid it is not enough. 
What are we going through? What is this negative energy that is holding Earth in its grip. Holding its breath? What is the purpose of it all? Is there a purpose? 
I hear all your questions, and I understand your concern. 
I take your questions and insecurities into my heart, into my love, so they can dissolve there, and let all of this negative energy dissolve into love. 
Of course that is exactly what you can do too to help. To help Earth, the people you love and care about, and yourself. 
For love is needed, once again and more now then ever, to counterbalance all the negative vibes people and other beings are sending out, because they are afraid, or because they want power over other beings or countries, or anything in between. 
Let's send love to the media too, especially, for so much of this negativity and pessimism is coming from there. 
Don't go into that, for it will only suck you in, and that is the last thing we want, isn't it?
Step out of this negativity, put it next to you in a big bag, and send your love into it, so it will dissolve. Don't let it touch you or get a hold on you, and stay away from it as much as possible. 
Then, from your place outside of it, look around you and see the beauty of Earth. Focus on the beauty of Earth, and that is enough to make things better. Don't focus on anything negative, on any stories that are meant to scare you,. Put it out of your energy field, and stay within your own positive, loving and caring energy field. Put a bowl of golden light around it to keep you safe, and do your positive things and thinking from there. 

2. Wisdom - on Fear

I feel hundreds, thousands of angels around me, around you who are reading this. They assure us that they are helping us, even though sometimes you might think it is not so, they are gone, leaving us alone in this mess. 
But no, they are not, they are definitely here for us, helping us to keep our connection to the light full on. 
So know that. For knowing it makes it so much easier to live it, to not wander off into darker places in your mind, to stay with the truth, to stay focused on the lovelight. Let your brain fill up with the knowledge that love is here for you, that love is flowing over Earth in full throttle, and that you just need to focus on that. 
You can look at the one side, the one of negativity and fear, or you can look at the other side, the one of love and happiness. 
It is your choice now, and where you maybe, probably, didn't have a choice in the past, or at least believed you didn't, now the choice is here for you. 
So what do you choose? Them or us? Negative fear, or positive love?
Make your choice, choose for the positive, for love, we beg of you. Love conquers all, so why shouldn't you choose love if it is offered to you? 
And if there is fear about choosing, or about the outcome of it all, put it into love. Let love flow through it, let is be dissolved into love. 
Each and every time you come into a place of doubt, put it into the energies of love, and don't give them a chance to fester. Just imagine doing that, and it will happen.
Be love, enjoy love. Let love be your thing. 

You are safe in love.

3. Sweetness - on Letting go.

So if you have chosen love now, Sweetness, your own guardian angel is so much more able to help you through this. It is as if, by choosing love, she or he can freely come to you and guide you. To safer places, to safer people, to safety in general. 
By saying yes to love, you have made it obvious for the angels that you do want to go there, even though sometimes you are so much in doubt or even dispair that you think you cannot be helped anymore at all. 
That is not true, and if anyone tells you otherwise, let them go. Don't believe them, simply put them out of your space and out of your energy field. Look to the other side, where the angels are waiting for you. Know that they are there, feel that they are there, believe that they are there. 
Put yourself into a place of angel light now, and let it occur to you that this is truth. That the angels are truth, and that everything else that is happening on earth now is just a way to get us into that truth. 
For knowing our deepest fears makes it possible for us to heal that fear, because it had shown up, it has come to the surface, and it can be taken into the arms of love. 
See it before you now and don't ever forget it again. 
Love is the only truth and it is totally available for you now! 
Feel your guardian angel behind you now, and feel her love and kindness. Feel her concern for you and feel her urge to help you. 
Then let yourself be helped by her, and by the other angels too. Feel how many angels there are here for you. Feel their joy for you, just because you have made yourself available for them to love you. 
Isn't that the greatest thing?! 

4. Rhiannon: truth - on Friendship

Don't you love it when that happens? When something is said to you and you maybe can't believe it right away, and then the next card tells you exactly the same? As if proving to you that yes, this is true, this is truth. 
Rhiannon is inviting you into her castle of love, inviting you into her garden and into her fountain, where you can scrub of all of your fears and doubts. Where you will come out another person, a person full of trust. Trusting that yes, it is going to be all right, this life you are living on Earth. The energies on earth are changing into love and light, and that is why right now everything seems to be in disorder and falling apart. Because change is necessary and change sometimes needs upheaval, getting everything out into the open without any order or apparent purpose.
Yes, it is true, things are falling apart, but only so they can be assembled anew, onto something so much better, more beautiful and loving. 
Love is coming our way, and all you need to do now is receiving it into your hands and into your heart. 
And if that is still difficult for you, because your experiences with love on earth have been confusing or even scary, then those experiences are being healed now, under the fast flowing fountain of Rhiannon. She is helping you, guiding you to the best place under this waterfall, so that all doubt is being carried away with the flow of the water. 
Feel it, know this is true. 
Then let a smaller flow of this cleansing water flow into your brain, and let it change your mind. Let it set your mind into a place of love and compassion, and let the negative thoughts, all of them, flow away with this pure healing water. 
Your brain is becoming clear and free, leaving space for a new way of thinking. For focussing on love and compassion, for you, for earth and for everyone you blame for what is happening now on earth. For the virus itself and for everyone who is guiding it into this strange and negative direction. From this place of love send love to the ones you blame, so they can be healed. So they can change their minds to the positive. 
To love. 
Send this love to all the people around you who are in any way letting you believe that you are crazy to think this way. Put them out of your energy field, and send them love. Maybe they will receive it, or maybe not. It doesn't matter, but set yourself free of those stories. 
Focus on love and light even if it means that it leaves you alone for a while. Use this time to focus, do things that connect you with love, and then other people, different people will cross your path. People who think like you do, people who focus on love instead of dread or worse. 
Already, within Rhiannon's  fountain of love, you will meat people you feel connected with. So focus on them, and let them be your  - real - friends. 

5. Buddha: inner silence - on Family

Focus on your heart now. Look within it and what do you see? Is it filled with fear and doubt? Is it filled with anger and resistance? 
If so, let those feelings be there, for they are your feelings and they need to be recognized and loved. Every one of your feelings needs to be accepted, needs to be forgiven if necessary, needs to be transformed when negative. 
So let them be there, take them into your arms, and cuddle them as if they where your dearest friends. Look into your heart and recognize your feelings of blame, of hatred, maybe towards your parents, your siblings, your grandparents. Maybe they go even farther back, and if so follow them to where they started. Send love into them, at this beginning, so all and everything that is in between is being healed now. All that family history of which you have become so tired but didn't know how to solve, is being dissolved now, with the help of the angels. 
Let it happen, just let it happen. Let all your resistance go, just let the angels help you. Be completely open to their help. 
You know by now that you can trust them, don't you? Or if not then feel that you can trust them now.  There is only love there. 
Know it, feel it and let it help you dissolve all the negative feelings you still have towards whoever from your family. Let it go. 
See how it goes. 

6. Kuan Yin: kindness - on Mate

Feel the kindness in your heart. Feel how, in letting go of all those negative feelings, there is so much room in your heart for different feelings, and let kindness be one of them. Kuan Yin is asking you to help you let kindness flow into your heart. Noting can be wrong with kindness, can it? On the other hand maybe you have been feeling betrayed by kindness. Mayde people or even your mate seemed to be kind, or had kindness in them, but turned out not to be kind at all. Maybe this feeling of betrayal is stuck in your heart, and is resisting everyone who seems to be kind now. Maybe you can't recognize kindness or can't trust it at all. 
Well, you know what to do by now, don't you? Take these feelings of betrayal into your hands, into your arms, cuddle them, send love into them, and let them dissolve. Don't let them have any influence on your heart anymore. Choose love, always choose love, and everything else will dissolve. 
Choose to be a person of kindness, real kindness, and you will meet kindness in return. 
Expect kindness, and it will be there. When you don't need feeling betrayed anymore, then you will meet kindness in the people you meet. 
Don't let it be your fault, don't feel guilty about what you have done in the past or how you have felt, let go of those feelings too. 
Let kindness fill your heart and go from there. 
Look from this place of kindness in your heart towards everything, even though it sometimes doesn't seem right for you. If that is happening, know that it is an old feeling that needs to be seen and treat it like that. 
You know how! 

7. Soul connection - on You / Earth

Once again this is about blame. Who do you blame for the trouble you are in? Do you blame your soul? Do you blame God? Do you blame life? Do you blame your parents, your mate, your friends? Who do you blame? 
Decide now to let go of blame. Decide now to choose for the higher truth of love and oneness. Choose for the higher dimensions to live from, and to look from there onto Earth. Let the bigger truths connect with your brain. Know that you are a part of life on Earth and of duality, but that you also can choose to connect with love first, from there higher dimensions, where love is still pure and unconditional. Let your mind expand, let the boundaries you have been living on Earth, as it was cut off from the love, dissolve. 
Know and recognize that you are a person of love. Stand up for it, own it, be it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Don't even tell anybody if you feel that you can't without being called crazy, but be it and know it. You aren't arrogant owning this, as it is truth. You are a being of love, and so is everybody on Earth, only so many don't know it. 
Hey, it was even cut from the Bible for so long. 
People were murdered for it, as was Jesus. 
So let's flow love into all of that history of not being allowed to be our love, and leave it all behind. It is in the past now except for where you hold onto it yourself, blaming the people who did it. 
Blaming the church? Yes, blaming religion, the way it was, and still is, professed on earth: that you will be punished if you claim that you are light, that you are love. 
But you are, and now you just need to know that you are not punished, or even murdered, by claiming it. 
Be careful if needed, but do claim it for yourself and know it and live from it. 
Make new experiences in which you can see that it is safe now. Put your mind in that direction. 

8. Gaya: home - on The gift

So here is my gift to you: I am offering you my love and I am asking you to receive it. I know it can be hard because of all your negative experiences on Earth, during this life or others, but know that I have always been love. I have always been on the side of love, helping earth, as you do, to transform into a planet of love. 
We are almost there now, I can tell you that too. So many people have been connecting with the love in their heart during this time of crisis. You have no idea! But that is exactly why this had to happen, so that people would connect with the love they had in their hearts. Helping others although they could get ill doing it. Helping themselves, changing themselves into better people, into people of love. Helping Earth by sending their positive vibes into earth and everyone on it. 
People using the power of meditation eg. Where positieve loving energies get multiplied so many times. We should do that more often. Ask your friends to join you, or join an existing group if you don't do that already. It looks as if many of those groups that started out at the beginning of the virus crisis have bled out. 
Take it up again, and if you don't know of anybody to join, you can just imagine that there is a group that fits you to the core, and join that one. 
Do it for 5 minutes every day or night. If everybody would do that we would be out of any problems holding Earth back from love very soon. 
Send love everywhere, and don't focus on the negative messages that are being send into the universe. Focus on love and kindness and be them. 
Doesn't that feel great? To be a person of love and kindness? What more could you hope for? 
Knowing too that you will attract love and kindness in return. Abundantly. 
Make earth your home, even though maybe you are not from Earth. Know that you are living this life of yours on earth to help it become a planet of love. Know that you have a task here, and stand up for it. Stand up for yourself, be proud of yourself. Don't think for a minute that that is arrogant, and don't let anybody tell you that it is! Make earth into your home now, for you to feel comfortable and in the right place. Because you are and I have invited you to help me and earth with your love. Because you are love, and you always were.

With so much love, the Angels & Co.

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

July 12 - 2020

