
I don't believe in coincidence. Do you?
The number of the date is special on its own, with all the 20's and the 10. Together they become 6 + 1 + 7. 7 is a special number in lots of 'religions', including in the spiritual world. It also seems to be the number of Eve, as I have heard. 
So this month I have been making my latest card of the deck you all know by now. Eve wanted to be 'made'. And although I already had 60 cards, which seemed a perfect number to me, Eve was number 61. She told me to make nothing of numerology, and the fact that 60 is a round number, whereas 61 …….
So 61. 6. + 1. = 7
See? There is no coincidence. All is as it should be. 
And so I'm starting this channeling with Eve. Even though I haven't shuffled the cards yet. 

1. Eve: freedom to be - on Now

Hello there ! I'm Eve. 
People have blamed me for taking a bite of this forbidden apple, and therefor being thrown out of paradise. People have blamed women for biting the apple, taking away their power of being who they are, before they were even born.  People think they had the right to blame everything on woman, because I took this imaginary bite of this imaginary apple. 
It's just a story and it has never been more than that, but it's had so much power on everything and everyone on Earth. 
On life on Earth. 
So let's change that now shall we?
Let's send all the love we can into that story, so it looses its grip on humankind. So women aren't being blamed for anything and everything anymore. So women don't blame themselves anymore. So blame in itself is going to be transformed in love and into love. 
No more blame, no more guilt, no more shame. Not for women and not for men. A world of equality, filled with the feminine divine energies of compassion, love, movement, flexibility.
For women and for men. 
Don't mistake power for the male kind of power we have been experiencing on earth for so long. Feminine power is a soft power, is going with the flow power, is gently moving power. Is love and laughter, is gladness, is a flowing power. Is being in your power, but without force. Is being.
It is the freedom of being you in its entirety. 

2. Inner power - on Fear

So many women - and so many men - are afraid to be their power. They are afraid of letting go of their attachments, of their so called safety nets, of their old ideas of what is the safest way to be. 
They need to hold on to something, to anything. To hold on to a person, to an idea, because it seems to be the safest way to be. 
But things on Earth are changing, the energy itself on earth is changing. Nothing is the same anymore, and it never will be the same as it was. Where a certain person may have seemed safe to be with, that person may have changed and isn't safe for you anymore. Or the situation may have changed, needing different solutions. Or you have changed, wanting different things for your life. 
Everything is changing, and you need to change with it. You are changing with it. Old ideas of safety aren't working anymore. Holding on to something or someone isn't working anymore. Staying in the same place because that place has been a safe haven for you doesn't work anymore. 
Looking for safety in the world around you doesn't work anymore. 
Maybe it never did. 
As long as Earth was closed off from the light of love, we needed to find solutions for ourselves in how to be as safe as possible, and we have been searching and maybe even finding solutions. Maybe they were safe for a short while. But as long as earth was closed off from the light of love, it was never safe. We have all been going through times of hardship, and it has made us wiser and more experienced. Sometimes we have been given the idea that we were in charge of our future, but we never really were. Maybe for a short time, and then it changed again. 

3. Eve: freedom to be - on Letting go

So let it go. Let go of all those ideas of how to be safe, how to be happy, how to be rich. 
Let go of all the power tricks you have been using to get there, wherever there was. Let it go. For your world is changing.
Connect with the energies of love and light that are available for you now. Feel them flow around you, feel them flow towards you, embrace them, let them embrace you. 
Feel it like the sun on your skin, like a soft breeze around you. 
It is safe now to be. To just be. To just be you. Now that the energies on earth are changing. Have changed. 
Let these new waves of love and light and happiness take you with them. They are here, flowing around you and it is up to you to grab them and to let them into you. 
Look into my eyes and see love. Look into my eyes and see joy. Look into my eyes and see happiness. Look into my eyes and see you. 
Let me be your mirror now. For I am happiness. I am love. I am you!
I am. You are. Be!

4. Ray of rose: love - on Friends and family

Trust that love is here now. Trust that love is flowing around you, and you can take it in. Let this ray of rose flow towards you directly from Source, so you know it is safe, you know it is love, you know it is pure love. 
Don't listen to the people around you telling you that it isn't so. Know what you know, feel it in your own heart. Use your instinct. Even if you don't know what love really is, because you haven't experienced in yet in its true form, you will recognize it. Trust it. 
We haven't been talking about trust much in the past, because is was hard to trust for you humans, as long as Earth was cut off from the pure love of Source. But now we are telling you to trust, because the energies on Earth are to be trusted. 
The love that you can feel in the air is pure love. It is there. So let it in, Let it in whenever you can, wherever you are. Walk around being love, radiating love. Send love into everything and everybody. Into hardship, into fear, anger, hatred, illness, death. Into everything that doesn't seem to be love. Send love to your friends, to your family and to everybody around you. 
Be love. 
Know that it is possible, because you are love. As are they!

5. Freya: feminine power - on you / Earth

What can I say? For once I am lost for words!
Feminine power is love. Nothing more and nothing less. In being, there are no words. In love there are no words. 
Just take some time now, in this being, in this love. Just feel. Just take 5 minutes to feel how it is to be. To be in love. To be in the energy of love. 

Feel it move around you. Like the first rays of sun after a long cold winter. Like a spring breeze softly touching your skin. Like the soft waves of a gentle lake. 

And let it enter your heart. 

Breath into your heart and make it bigger. Feel the gentle waves of love tthere, making it even bigger.  

Let it be. 


Be love. 

Be gentle. 

Be compassion. 

Be love.

6. Stormy weather - on The gift

We offer you shelter from the storm. As the world is in such turmoil now, it is more necessary than ever to stay connected with this pure love. It is because of this pure love being available to you and Earth now that Earth is in such a turmoil.  
Because love changes everything. Because love forces all darkness to come to the surface, living its own life. Because your own darkness is coming to the surface of your own being, you will live it. But connecting with the pure love itself, you can easily let your darkness dissolve into it. 
Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Don't let the bad messages from outside disturb this feeling, this knowing of love. Let love prevail, make your world a world of love. From there it will flow around you, and the more you let it be, the bigger the waves of love you radiate. They will flow over earth, they will touch everything and everyone on earth. They will dissolve all darkness. 
Don't doubt it. Let it be. Be love.
Then, slowly , your world will become a world of love. From there, slowly, love will flow everywhere, leaving nothing out. 
Let love become as important as the hardships of today. Let love take the hardships of today into its arms. Let the hardships of today dissolve in love. 
Let the turmoil become love. And then imagine: a turmoil of love. And that is the world of tomorrow.
Soon it will be today. 
A turmoil of love on Earth. Nothing but love on Earth. Moving in love, stumbling in love, being in love. 
Storms of love.
Maybe it will feel a bit uncomfortable because there is so much of it. Probably you will feel shaken and stirred because of it. 
Let it be. For then, when all is love, Earth will be such an amazing place to be. 

All my love to you,

Eve and/of the Angels & Co.

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

October 20 - 2020

