Winter Solstice

There seems to be a lot of interference around me. Of course, when you are on your way into the light, lots of energies will not like it and will try to stop you. And as we are on the brink of a new era and the whole world is in the turmoil of covid and other natural disasters, as if in protest against the new energies of love and light, a lot is happening. People who want to go forward, people who want to stay where they are and people who want to stop any kind of progression into love and light. 
So I'a asking the Angels & Co, for all the help they can give us; for peace, for harmony, for compassion. For compassionate love. This is what they say: 

You can feel it already, can't you!?

1.Eve: Freedom - on Now

Freedom is one of the hardest things for people living on Earth now to grab. Yet freedom is what a lot of people crave. 
I am so happy that you took this opportunity to join me in my energy of freedom and laughter. Because that is what is needed and that is where you are going. 
But that is also what so many people are afraid of, maybe even you, because it is such a high frequency and you, who are living on Earth, are so not used to this kind of frequency. It kind of invites you to be afraid of losing it again, as happens most of the time, Earth having been separated from these high energies for so long. Earth being a place of duality. 
Earth is an energy school, where you learn from both sides, from positive and from negative. If there would only be positive you wouldn't be able to learn anything from the negative side of things. So the older your soul, the more negativity you are probably living, because you are here to transform these energies into love. In order for you to be able to transform negative energies it is necessary to live them, because you need to know them first. If you don't know something how would you be able to do anything with it? 
So that is what is happening on Earth now. You are living through a lot of negativity, because we are on the verge of a new Earth, and all negativity that is still there in whatever form, needs to come out, so that it can be felt and seen, so that it can be transformed. 
The older the soul the more negativity you will probably live, because then you have the knowledge, the courage and the support from the beings of light to live these negativities. The older the soul the more you will be inclined to do this, as you know what you want from your life on earth, and you know what you want for earth and for humankind. 
I am so happy that you have drawn me to you for this letter, because I am a very old soul, and I love to help! I am a transformer, as are you, so I want, no, I need to transform. 
So ask for me when you are down and you don't see a way through the darkness that is now keeping Earth in its grip, for I want to help you, I need to help you, and I can help you. 

2. Ray of Blue: oceanic cleansing - on The fear

Don't let your fear tell you what is true. So much fear is now going around that it is hard not to feel it, not to listen to it, not to let it influence you, especially if you are a person of love and light. For if you are, you are very sensitive to energies, and you will know somehow that you are here to clean those energies. So you will let them in! In order to be able to clear them!
Fear is the most negative energy that is being lived on Earth, and when you are wrapped in fear you are like frozen, not able to do or think anything positive, and not being able to do anything about it. 
So if you feel like that, now or yesterday or the day before, keep on reading this, for the healing of these words will heal you. Now, around this Winter Solstice of 2021, it is a time of deep transformation and a deep cleansing of negativity. 
The ocean-blue ray of light will take care of you, will come towards you, will fill up your energy field, taking away anything that is there that is trying to hold you back from love. 
The interference can be anywhere in your system and can come from any place on Earth, from any body on Earth. Don't let that matter to you anymore, for now is the time to let it be healed. Your oldest and your newest fears and all the fears in between are now to be healed. Open up to the healing and let it happen. You don't need your fears anymore. And if you think that you do, then acknowledge that too and let that be healed too. The angels will understand.

3. Ray of Rose: deepest love - on Letting go

What better way to have fear healed than by love. Which means that all you need to do now is to sit back and let love come to you. 
That is all! 
Feel Jesus, Mary, your favorite being of light, the angels and dolphins and unicorns all around you now, wanting with every fiber of their being to help you. You know you can trust them. The only thing that can happen is that is feels as if it is too much for you, that you can't handle this much love. That you can't trust love in general. If that is so then tell them. Tell them to balance this healing of love. 
Sometimes, when you have experienced something that was called love, or that you thought whould be love, but wasn't, it is possible that you can't trust love. Know that and take it seriously, for then the angels can help you with the right balance for you, and you don't need to be afraid that it will be too much. Of course you can also ask the angels to show you how real unconditional love feels. That way you can let it in, even thought you don't know love. 
So let love in in the amount that is exactly right for you, so that you can trust it. 
And then just be in this ray of love. 
Rest in this ray of love. Feel the peace of this ray of love. 
Let it ground you. 
In love you are safe from any kind of interference. Know that. 

4. Passion - on Friends and family

I see the angel of passion before me, with something that sweeps away old fears and planting new seeds at the same time. Sweeping the old fears away opens the earth for the new seeds. Because you have lived through the old fears you can now sow your new seeds, because the old has made you wiser. Without living through the negative emotions of duality you wouldn't even know how to plant the new seeds of the new Earth. 
It makes it possible for your new seeds to flourish. Look at them and see them grow, see them turn bigger and bigger. 
What do you see? A flower? A tree? A bush? Grass? Everything is fine, everything is wonderfull. Just stand back and let them grow. You are free now to let your own seeds grow. Nobody will stop you, and the angels will be helping your seeds to grow. 
Isn't it amazing how they just grow and grow, without any interference? Absolutely free to grow as they should grow. 
Notice too how your seeds can grow without any help from the people around you. That too is important now, because these seeds are really yours and it seems to be important that they apply to you. This is all about you and you being able to live your highest destiny now. If you want to of course. 

5. Ray of new gold: Love on Earth/the new Earth - on You / Earth

There is no question about it anymore, Is there? Things are changing fast now and the New Earth is on its way. If you tune in to this ray of golden love, you can feel it. 
How does it feel for you? It is all about you now, and your experience of this energy of love. You are the one who needs to feel it. You are the one who needs to trust it in your own way. It is all about you now, but not in an egotistical way of course. It is about you in a loving way, and being you in your own loving way. Being you, on your own feet, in this loving kindness. Nothing else, no one else. Just you and love. 
You don't need to do anything else because as you are love, you will surround yourself with love, and everyone who wants to, can receive your love. Without you doing anything. 
Imagine that every living being on Earth would do this, would be this. Everything would be love. 
All would be one, all would be love. 
This love is now being send all over Earth. By you, channeling this love. This is the New Earth. You are channeling this love. 

Not long now. 

6. Mary Magdalene: care - on The gift

So sit back and let me take care of you. For if you let yourself be taken care of, you can receive love much easier, and we need you to receive this love so that you will send it all around you, and into Earth. 
Let me wash your feet and nourish them with my secret oils, so that your feet will feel like love. I am taking care of you now, so that you will take care of the world. 
Imagine an earth full of love! 
Imagine a world full of kindness. 
Imagine a world ……………
I am helping you so that you will be able to help the person next to you, so that the person next to you will be able to help the person next to her or him. And so on. 
Imagine, and by imagining it will come true. 

Imagine a world of loving people. 

With so much love for you all, the Angels & Co.

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 

12 - 22 - 2021

