Spring Equinox

So much is going on in the world. So much is going on on earth. So much is going on for us, living on Earth during this time of transition. The old needs to be resolved, so we can enter the new. Some may be getting there already, some are in the middle of it, and some are still struggling. As is the world. 
What can we expect on this Spring Equinox? 
Is there anything we should do? 
What is the message?  

1. Receiving - on Now

It is not so much about doing something for yourself, for Earth or for the world, it is more about receiving. 
Receiving the energies of love and light that are again flowing towards us. So many people don't know about these energies of love, but are still affected by it. It is up to us, who dó know, to receive them into out hearts, and to connect them with Earth. 
So don't let yourself be put off by what is happening around you. Don't let your judgement be clouded by what the general opinion is, no matter how convincing it may seem. All the negativity that is coming up now is being dissolved in the love of this Spring Equinox. 
The high frequencies of love don't allow for negative energies to be hidden anymore, so they are coming up. Everywhere. From within Earth, and from within everyone on it. From within you. 
So: receiving these high frequencies of love will let all your own negativity come up too. It is up to you to let it be there, and not to hide it anymore. Work through it, until it is done, until you feel better, until love can find its place within you. 
For that is where it wants to be, where it wants to settle. Can you feel it within your heart now? Let it ground you. Focus on your own heart so that you can feel at peace within yourself. 
Focus within your heart. We can't say it often enough: focus within your heart and feel the love there, in the bottom of your heart. 
Just receive it and you won't need to do anything else. 
In receiving you will be at peace. 
Imagine a rose in your favorite color in your heart. Let the stem enter deeply into Earth, water it every day, and let it be your best friend. Be one with this rose as it is you. It will put you in your own center, and give you grounding, peace and stability. 

2. Ray of New Gold: New Earth - on the fear

There is so much fear going around at this time, because the frequencies on Earth are changing. Because, as humans, you don't know what it means. Because you feel you don't have a grip on your life anymore. Because things happen, and you can't control them, now less than ever. That is what is happening and it can be very scary, especially if you are a sensitive person. But it is for the good of everybody. Everybody is feeling it and doesn't know how to cope, because it is all new. You have been so used to needing control over your life, to work towards certain goals, and to focus on that. 
Now nothing is certain anymore. Your goals may change, may turn out not to be your goals anymore. What do you know? 
The best way to go is to let everything go, and to be open to what's happening for you. That is the spirit of this time. To not fixate on certain goals, even if you had them for a long time, thinking that they were the right goals for you. Thinking that they were your very own spiritual goals and you were happy with them. 
The challenge of now is to let even those goals go, and to leave your heart and your future wide open for The New. As a human you can think you have wonderful goals in mind, but as a spirit it might be even so much more beautiful or fitting to do something totally different. 
Don't be afraid that you will not reach your destiny, for of course you will. Because that is what is your goal this lifetime, to reach your very own divine destiny. More beautiful than you could ever have imagined yourself/ 
The new energies of love will bring you there now. Let go and you will get there. 
Work through the old that is still coming up. Let it go and be ready for the new. Whatever that will be. 

3. Wisdom - on Letting go

Let the dolphins help you to let go. To let go of your fears of being without a grip or a focus. Dolphins don't have a focus, they just swim and play, and they are happy, even though they might be in danger. When they are they form a group, a circle, so they are safe. 
You are safe because we are here for you. You all heave a group of angels/dolphins around you. Just focus on us. Feel that you are a part of this group of angels/dolphins and give every concern of yours to them. That way it will dissolve much quicker than you can imagine. And you can go on into the New Earth of love and light. 
Even issues that have been stuck for a long time. Especially issues that have been stuck for a long time. 
Sometimes you may have to take action for a bit, but know that we are holding your hand and paving the way for you, so that those issues will disappear into thin air. Don't hold onto them in fear or frustration. Give yourself the possibility of being helped, of trusting that it will be so. 
That way you will climb up into the higher frequencies. Especially through going through those old issues and letting them go now, with our help. 
Allow yourself to let us help you and we will. We are here, even thought you might have lost us alltogether. We are here and we will help you. 
Use the wisdom that is inside of you, and know this.  
Feel how your root chakra is being healed now, being cleared of old fears and frustrations, so the new energies of love can flow right through you into Earth, and give you grounding in love. 
Let wisdom take over from fear, from resistance, from doubt. Know that you are better than that. Look inside of yourself and connect with your own wisdom within.  
And stay there. 

4. Forgiveness - on Friends and family

Forgiveness sets you free. It is time to let forgiveness in, and to let go of any kind of judgement or blame that is still inside of you towards your family or friends. Or anything else. 
It is that time and there is no going around it anymore. In the new frequencies of love blame and judgement can't exist, so if you are still holding on to those feelings, you won't be able to enter these new high frequencies. 
At the same time, if you are open to it, you can let the Angels & Co help you now, reading this letter, to let forgiveness in all the way. And if you let that happen, feel how it frees you. How you can relax. How the old negativity disappears. How open you get for different feelings, feelings of joy and love.
So much energy is used on those feelings of blame that is makes you tired and frustrated. Just decide now that you don't want to blame anyone anymore, that you don't want to judge anyone anymore. And let go. 
Decide now that you are done with it, that you want to move on, past those feelings and into joy and love. 
Free yourself. 
Take hold of forgiveness and let it cleans the judgement and the blame. We are all people living a lifetime on Earth, and we all have our specific issues to live through. That is how it is, and as souls we have all done our best to live up to our tasks. You can count on that. 
If you have been living an especially difficult life you have probably done that because you needed to clear the air in your family lines, or in your own karma. You probably did that together with other souls that were the most qualified and loving to do it with. 
If you think of it that way, you will be able to see the other people in your life as actors in your play, helping you to get to where you need to go. That way, together with those other people who were willing to help you, you have been able to reach your goals of letting go of pain and guilt, frustration, judgement. You name it. 
Allow yourself to let it all go now, so that you are free to live a different kind of life. A life of happiness and love. 
Be within your own wise heart, free to go ahead in freedom. 
Let go of your past and step into your future.  

5. Transformation - on You/Earth

Earth will be transformed. You will be transformed. It is the thing that is happening and you can't go around it, if ever you could. Earth is changing, you are changing. Expect it, and let the frequencies of love and joy take you with them. Know that you are safe, although maybe right now you don't feel safe at all, because so much seems to be happening. It is all for the best, and maybe that sounds as a too much used cliche, it is still true. So don't deny it, and don't resist it. That will only make it harder for you. Use your own inner wisdom and know that it is so. 
Write it on a note that you can put in your pocket so you won't forget it anymore, for it is the truth. Look at it ten times a day or more, so you won't forget, for this is what is happening and what makes some things so hard. You are going through a process of change, and of letting go of so much old earth energies. Know that and your life will be so much easier. 
Know why you are doing the things you are doing, why you are going through the things you are going through. Give them a place in your heart. And rest. 
Everything has to be dissolved now, in order for you to be able to live the New Earth. 
You are one of the predecessors. You can give the example to others. It is your destiny. Realize what you are doing here on Earth during this time of transformation now. Pick up on your goals of helping Earth change into the high frequencies of love and joy. Know that and knowing that, take your responsibility and do your part. 
Know it, for it will make you so much stronger. 
Stand up for yourself, stand up for who you are and what you are doing here, during this time of transformation, on Earth. 
Have your own back, even if nobody else does. 

6. Forgiveness - on The gift

Drawing this card for the second time only shows how important it is to let forgiveness in. 
So forgive others and forgive yourself. Jesus said it: forgive the people you think or know have hurt you. They were all actors in your play, living your life on Earth during this time of transformation. If it is your goal to be able to live in love, then forgiveness is essential. In love every negative energy dissolves, so look into all the blame that you still feel - and take some time to feel who your are still blaming. It might be one of your parents or siblings, it might be God, it might be….fill it in by yourself, and think it over. Give yourself time to let these deep feelings of being hurt come up, and let them be healed in this all forgiving energy that is available for you now. 
Maybe those feelings are yours, maybe they are coming from your parents and your family lines. But pick up on them and give them the opportunity to dissolve in love. 
These feelings may be a thousand years old. It doesn't matter. Let the golden ray of the New Earth flow into them now. Let them go. 
Ready yourself for the New Earth that is available to you now. Or tomorrow. But soon. The New Earth holds the energy of freedom, of being free from feelings like blame and judgement, frustration or whatever negative feelings you know and own. That is what the New Earth is all about. So let go, and be ready to step into this New Earth of love and joy. 
It is all up to you now. And if you are willing, we will help you get there.

Lots of forgiveness from us to you!

The Angels & Co.

Would you like to know more about a personal reading/healing, or just take a look at my other website? 


03 - 22 - 2022

